Table of Contents and Previews

What’s in this book? This is the place to find out! Check back here periodically for excerpts, including the vignettes interspersed between the chapters with additional material intended to round out the reader’s understanding of Israel’s tribes and their importance in the Almighty’s plan of redemption.

By way of introduction, here’s our Table of Contents:


List of Maps and Illustrations
1. When God Divides the House
2. House of Israel  ≠ House of Judah
3. A Tale of Twos
4. The Rabbis Were Right
5. One Kingdom, Two Destinies
6. Apostolic Expectations, Part 1: A Message for Two Brothers
7. Apostolic Expectations, Part 2: The Gospel of the Kingdom
8. Finding Israelite Identity in the New Covenant
9. One Seed
10. Frequently Asked Questions
11. Implications and Conclusions
Epilogue: An Open Letter to Judah, Our Older Brother


“Pictured in a Parable” – excerpt from the Introduction